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Non-Profit online courses: Grant Writing

Grant writing 101

Grant writing 101

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: “Grant writing… ugh.” Sound familiar? For many non-profit volunteers and staff, grant writing can seem like a time-consuming task in creating writing with the payoff being luck of the draw. The truth is, with steep competition for limited grant dollars, a well-written grant is only part of the success formula. This video series covers core proposal and grant writing skills, how to avoid common pitfalls, understanding what funders look for, and tips on how to maintain good relationships with your funders.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Training

Alberta's non-profit legal landscape

Alberta’s non-profit legal landscape

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: This course discusses Alberta’s non-profit legal landscape, the legal obligations that non-profits must comply with in Alberta, and the relationship between legal documents for incorporated non-profit organizations. We will also discuss these areas with an expert and get their ideas on what they mean for non-profits and their board members.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Qualities and skills of a good board member

Qualities and skills of a good board member

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Board members are responsible for the governance and stewardship of their organization. To perform their duties, it is critical for board members to know their responsibilities and have certain qualities and skills that help them fulfill their responsibilities and effectively accomplish the organization’s work. 

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

The nine principles of good governance

The nine principles of good governance

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: It matters how board members approach their roles and responsibilities. It influences how the organization is perceived by its members, stakeholders, and the broader community. The 9 principles of good governance help ensure that the board conducts itself and approaches its work in a fair and responsible manner, and that the board has good oversight and is carrying out is fiduciary duty to the organization. 

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Roles and responsibilities of the board

Roles and responsibilities of the board

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: This course discusses the four key roles and seven responsibilities of the board. We also interview an expert in the field to discuss some of the most common questions that they encounter in their work with non-profit organizations.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Liability of non-profit board members

Liability of non–profit board members

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Despite their commitment to effectively govern and steward their non-profit organizations, many board members are not fully aware of the issue of liability. This eLearning course will introduce the concept of liability within the context of serving on a non-profit board.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Types of risk

Types of risk (Online interactive course)

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: The work of not-for-profit organizations, like any other work, has risks. Risk is something all organizations face. Knowing the risks of the work will help you, as a board member, to make better decisions and take preventive measures. This way you can minimize consequences for you and your organization.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Managing risk

Managing risk

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Managing risk and liability is one of the seven responsibilities of the board. To reduce risk, boards must be aware of their responsibilities and develop policies to ensure these responsibilities are met. Effective governance practices, like policy development, by the board are directly linked to appropriate risk management and will establish the tone of how an organization responds to risk.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Agendas for meetings (What, why, and how)

Agendas for meetings (What, why, and how)

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: We all know what a bad meeting could look like. It often is a product of not having an agenda. Conversations are all over the place. There is no real goal or purpose to why you are meeting in the first place. It may start late or go over the expected time, or maybe you leave without a clear plan of what to do next. In this course, we will look at what a meeting agenda is, the value of why we need it in our meetings, and how we can use an agenda to further the work of the organization.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Board meeting minutes

Board meeting minutes

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: One of the most important roles of the board and specifically the minute-taker (most often the board secretary) is to record the minutes of board meetings. The minutes are the formal record of the discussion areas and decisions of the board. In this session, you will learn why minutes of meetings need recording, what needs to be recorded as well as considerations to store them for easy, future access.  Included with this, you will be shown examples of templates to capture minutes and motions. Further, you will learn the importance of ensuring timely access to meeting minutes and having a back-up minute-taker in place.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Logical considerations for meetings

Logistical considerations for meetings

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: What separates a great meeting from a mediocre one? There are many core elements of great meetings such as a clear purpose, a clear agenda, and the right people in the conversation. However, many people overlook logistics which can really make or break a great meeting. In this course, we will look at how you can be more intentional about the logistics of a meeting.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development



Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Creating a budget and budgeting is a one of the main ways the board can demonstrate proper governance and stewardship of their organization. However, tackling a budget as a new board member can be a daunting task. This course describes what a budget is and what it does. Then it discusses how board members can understand and assess the budget, and how budgets are related to financial statements and variance reports.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Building strong teams

Building strong teams

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Non-profit board members do their best work when a strong team culture exists within the board. How do you create and build it? How do you know when you have it? What are some ways to respond to challenges and root causes that prevent boards from building strong teams? All this and more will be addressed in this video.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Building effective relationships

Building effective relationships

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Ensuring healthy relationships between the board and those that carry out the directions of the board (senior staff, staff, volunteers) is a responsibility of the board. In this video learn how to do it well by understanding the primary focus of each and that its a balanced partnership with all working together to achieve the purpose of the organization.

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Non-Profit online courses: Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding Alberta - A new way of fundraising for non-profits in Alberta

Crowdfunding Alberta – A new way of fundraising for non-profits in Alberta

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Introducing Crowdfunding Alberta – a new and innovative way of fundraising for Alberta’s non-profits. Join program staff and Daryl Hatton, founder and CEO of FundRazr and ConnectionPoint, to learn more about the changing landscape of crowdfunding for non-profits and how non-profits from all across the world have leveraged the power of a crowd to fund their operations. In addition, Daryl will share some strategies and tips to attract, engage, and retain donors to help make your fundraising campaigns more successful.

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Non-Profit online courses: Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding Alberta - Building a crowd

Crowdfunding Alberta – Building a crowd

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Crowdfunding has been used worldwide to fund important work creating enormous impact. What if your organization would like to tap into this power but doesn’t have a big online community? Join Daryl Hatton, founder and CEO of ConnectionPoint/FundRazr, for a webinar that will discuss how non-profit organizations can kickstart growth in their digital donor base by building, buying, or borrowing a crowd for their crowdfunding campaign. He’ll also discuss the methodology for engaging your existing donors in creating sustainable, recurring revenue streams to support your organization’s projects while simultaneously attracting new donors.

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Non-Profit online courses: Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding Alberta - Connect with donors this giving season

Crowdfunding Alberta – Connect with donors this giving season

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: November 28th is #GivingTuesday, a global generosity movement to strengthen communities. Last year, $50 million was donated online to Canadian charities for GivingTuesday. This day of generosity is follow-up by the most significant month for giving, with donations received in December accounting for over 25% of annual non-profit revenue. In this webinar you’ll learn how to help your non-profit organization connect with donors this giving season and unlock match funding from the Government of Alberta through the Crowdfunding Alberta program.

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Non-Profit online courses: The Non-Profit Bistro Series

Dynamic board-staff relationship: Staff perspective

Dynamic board-staff relationship: Staff perspective

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: What’s the role of the board in the organization and what’s the role of staff? Where is the line and what are the overlaps? These are difficult questions for many involved in the non-profit sector and various organizations. Watch this panel discussion on the topic with three knowledgeable panelists that have served in both roles in various organizations and situations and have been able to successfully build relationships and navigate the dynamic board staff relationships. They will share their experiences and stories, and discuss tips and tricks, resources, pitfalls, and lessons learned!

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Financial management

Financial management (Online interactive course)

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Board members are responsible for the overall management of the organization’s resources. As governors and stewards of the organization, the board needs to govern and actively oversee the finances of the organization. This is done through financial management. Therefore, board members need to know what financial management is and how to perform successful financial management.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Financial responsibilities

Financial responsibilities (Recorded webinar)

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: What are the board’s financial responsibilities and how do they intersect with the other responsibilities of the board? How does the board reflect good financial stewardship of organization resources by carrying out the financial responsibilities it has? You will learn all of this and more in this video.

Province of Alberta Logo.

Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Financial strategy and plans for generating income

Financial strategy and plans for generating income

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Non-profit organizations have a large impact on Alberta’s economy. In order to sustain their programs and services, non-profits need effective financial management, financial strategies and plans for generating income in order to make good financial decisions that help them achieve their organizational goals.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Incorporation vs. charitable registration

Incorporation vs. charitable registration

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: The words “non-profit” and “charity” are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same, and their differences may be confusing. In this module we will review the differences between incorporated non-profits under the Societies Act and charities, and explain some key considerations for non-profit groups that wish to obtain registered charity status.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Internal financial controls

Internal financial controls

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: As governors and stewards of the organization, board members are responsible for the overall financial management and active oversight over the finances of the organization. This oversight is done through setting up proper and effective frameworks on internal controls and financial policies. In this course, we will first discuss internal controls and then discuss financial policies and their components and examples.

Province of Alberta Logo.

Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Legal responsibilities and conflict of interest

Legal responsibilities and conflict of interest

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Board members of non-profit organizations need to know and reflect the legal related responsibilities of fiduciary duty, duty of care and duty of loyalty’ (and its related example “conflict of interest”). All of these duties are fundamental in governing your organization well. Learn about these legal responsibilities and more in this video.

Province of Alberta Logo.

Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Managing conflict of interest

Managing conflict of interest

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Most board members have several types of connections and jobs outside of their volunteer work serving on the board of a non-profit organization. This means that it is not uncommon for them to find themselves in a conflict of interest situation. In fact, it should be expected and it may even happen frequently. It does not mean they are corrupt and it is not an accusation of bias or a lack of integrity. However, how board members deal with conflict of interest is key.

Province of Alberta Logo.

Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Organizational purpose and planning

Organizational purpose and planning

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: It is a key responsibility of the board to ensure that a non-profit has a shared purpose that all organizational efforts are aimed at. Further ensuring there is a plan in place (often a strategic plan) to achieve that identified purpose is equally important work of the board. Learn about this and more in this video.

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Non-Profit online courses: Governance

Strategic thinking, then strategic planning

Strategic thinking, then strategic planning

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: You will explore the importance of strategic thinking and what it means to be truly “strategic” before you begin the typical planning process. You will also have the opportunity to learn some theory around organizational planning. And best of all – you will come away with tips on how to build ownership and commitment, resulting in a plan that is closely followed, versus one that collects dust!

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Non-Profit online courses: Governance

Strategic planning

Strategic planning

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: As the governing body of an organization, one of the key roles of the board is to define and advance the purpose of the organization. The board can do this by developing a strategic plan. The strategic plan acts as a guide that shapes the work and all activities of the organization. Therefore, it is important for boards to know what strategic planning is and how it helps the organization.

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Non-Profit online courses: Pivot Online Series

Success in a digital world: Social media

Success in a digital world: Social media

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Artists and non-profits are doing amazing things to pivot their work online and engage with clients in new ways. In this video, Josiah Sinanan, a musical artist and podcast host based out of Calgary, shares some tips on how to ramp up social media, using social media to connect with their audience, and more advice for artists pivoting to an online presence.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Vision, mission and values

Vision, mission and values

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: The vision, mission, and value statements of an organization serve as a guide to why the organization exists and the way in which it will carry out it’s work. This course provides a high-level overview of these three types of statements and tips to develop, refine or refresh these statements for your own organization.